I’ve seen Discord bots that can create counting streaks, but I wanted to make my own just because I wanted to challenge myself. So today, I’m going to show you how to make a basic counting bot with discord.py.
Table Of Contents
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To start off, you’ll need to have a few things installed:
- Python 3.8+
- discord.py
- I should add that I used pycord in my example, and while the 2 libraries do have differences, they are the same for the purposes of this tutorial
- Git
- Visual Studio Code
- Any other python IDE works fine as well, I use PyCharm
- A Discord bot set up, you can follow this tutorial to set one up
- A Discord server to test the bot in (you can make one by clicking the ”+” button in the Discord app)
Once you have all the prerequisites installed, you can start setting up your bot. First, you’ll need to setup a repository for your bot. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal (make sure you do this in your bot’s folder):
git init
Next, you’ll need to create a file called main.py
in your bot’s folder. This is where all of your bot’s code will go. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or by creating a new file in your IDE:
Now that you have your bot’s folder setup, you can start coding your bot. First, you’ll need to import the discord.py library. You can do this by adding the following line to the top of your main.py
import discord
In addition, we’ll need to import Discord’s commands library to process reading messages and sending messages. We also need to add the datetime library (keep this in mind). You can do this by adding the following line to your main.py
from discord.ext import commands
import datetime
You’ll need to enable intents for your bot so that it can track messages. You can do this by adding the following line to your main.py
(I’ve allowed all intents in this example, but you can change this if you don’t want to allow certain intents):
YOU MUST ENABLE MESSAGE INTENTS FOR THIS BOT TO WORK (you can do this in the Discord Developer Portal))
intents = discord.Intents.all()
Once intents are enabled, you can create your bot’s client. This is how your code will interact with Discord. You can do this by adding the following line to your main.py
bot = discord.Bot(intents=intents)
Counting Messages
Now that we’ve set up everything, it’s time to start counting!. First, we’ll need to declare variables that the bot uses. Here’s how to initialize the variables:
channelCount = 1
highest_streak = 1
highest_streak_breaker = None
highest_streak_break_time = None
last_user = None
Here is what each variable does:
is the number that the bot is currently counting tohighest_streak
is the highest number that the bot has recordedhighest_streak_breaker
is the user that broke the highest streakhighest_streak_break_time
is the time that the highest streak was broken (this is stored as a unix timestamp)last_user
is the last user that sent a number that was counted
Now that we have our variables, we can start coding the bot’s commands. First, we’ll need to make the command header. To do so, we’ll use the on_message
event. You can do this by adding the following line to your main.py
async def on_message(message):
Now we’ll need to pull all the global variables that we declared earlier.
global channelCount, highest_streak, highest_streak_breaker, highest_streak_break_time, last_user
Now, we’re getting into the core of the program. Check if the message was sent by the bot; if so, ignore it.
if message.author == bot.user:
Next, if the message came from a specific channel, continue on with the program. If not, ignore it.
if message.channel.id == 1234567890: # Replace 1234567890 with the channel ID of the channel you want the bot to count in
try: #This is here in case the message isn't a number
# Here is where we'll put the rest of the code
First, we need to check if the user who sent the message is equal to the last_user variable. This prevents someone from chaining numbers up to infinity.
Then, if the number is the same as the channel count, we add one to channelCount
and react with a checkmark.
if message.author != last_user:
number = int(message.content)
if number == channelCount:
channelCount = 1
last_user = message.author
await message.add_reaction('✅')
If the user broke the streak, we’ll need to check if the streak is higher than the highest streak. If it is, we’ll need to update the highest streak variables.
if channelCount > highest_streak:
highest_streak = channelCount # Update the highest streak
highest_streak_breaker = message.author.mention # Update the highest streak breaker
# Return the day, month, year, and time
highest_streak_break_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%B %dth, %Y, at %I:%M %p") #Saves the time that the highest streak was broken in a Unix timestamp
Then, we’ll need to reset the channelCount variable and react with an X. We’ll also let the user know they broke the streak.
channelCount = 1
await message.add_reaction('❌')
await message.channel.send(f"What a bozo. {message.author.mention} broke the chain! Laugh at their failure! The chain is now at 1.")
# This is the message my bot uses. I'd recommend changing the message to be a bit more...friendly,
We’re almost done, trust me 😄. This part runs if the number was posted by last_user
. If so, it reacts with a warning sign and lets them now that the count didn’t go up.
await message.add_reaction('⚠️')
await message.channel.send("You need friends to increase the counter, go touch grass or smth")
# Again, if you want to be polite, I'd recommend changing the message 😅
This part is really simple. If the message isn’t a number, it’ll throw a ValueError
since we typecast to int
in our program. If this happens, we pass over it.
except ValueError:
Finally, we’ll need to add the following line to the bottom of the event handler to process commands:
await bot.process_commands(message)
Highest Streak Command
Now that we have the counting part of the bot done, we can start working on the highest streak command. First, we’ll need to make the command header. To do so, we’ll use the @bot.command()
decorator. You can do this by adding the following line to your main.py
@bot.command(name="higheststreak", description="Shows the highest streak and who broke it")
# You can use prefix commands if you want, but I'm using slash commands since Discord is phasing out prefix commands(it's also better practice)
We can now start with making the command. To start, we’ll create the header and create a discord.Embed
object (a cool message type only bots can use):
async def highest_streak(ctx): #ctx is context, and allows you to access a lot of useful info
highStreak = discord.Embed(title="Highest Streak",
description="Stats about the highest streak in <#1234567890>",
color=discord.Color.from_rgb(252, 186, 3))
# Again, replace 1234567890 with the channel ID of the channel you want the bot to count in
Now, we’ll add the fields to the embed. We’ll add the highest streak, the user who broke it, and the time it was broken.
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak", value=str(highest_streak), inline=False)
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak Breaker", value="<@" + highest_streak_breaker + ">", inline=False)
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak Break Time", value=str(highest_streak_break_time), inline=False)
Finally, we’ll send the embed. You should use ctx.respond(), as ctx.send() will show that the application didn’t respond to the command.
await ctx.respond(embed=highStreak)
Final Code
Finally, we’ll need to add the following line to the bottom of the file to run the bot:
bot.run("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE") # Replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your bot's token (you saved it right?)
Here is the final code:
import discord
import datetime
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.all()
bot = discord.Bot(intents=intents)
channelCount = 1
highest_streak = 1
highest_streak_breaker = None
highest_streak_break_time = None
last_user = None
async def on_message(message):
global channelCount, highest_streak, highest_streak_breaker, highest_streak_break_time, last_user
if message.author == bot.user:
# Ignore messages sent by the bot itself
if message.channel.id == 1234567890:
print("See this!")
number = int(message.content)
if message.author != last_user:
if number == channelCount:
channelCount = 1
last_user = message.author
await message.add_reaction('✅')
if channelCount > highest_streak:
highest_streak = channelCount
highest_streak_breaker = message.author.mention
# Return the day, month, year, and time
highest_streak_break_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%B %dth, %Y, at %I:%M %p")
channelCount = 1
await message.add_reaction('❌')
await message.channel.send(f"What a bozo. {message.author.mention} broke the chain! Laugh at "
f"their failure! The chain is now at 1.")
await message.add_reaction('⚠️')
await message.channel.send("You need friends to increase the counter, go touch grass or smth")
except ValueError:
pass # Ignores if the message is not a number
await bot.process_commands(message)
@bot.command(name="higheststreak", description="Shows the highest streak and who broke it")
async def highest_streak(ctx):
highStreak = discord.Embed(title="Highest Streak",
description="Stats about the highest streak in <#1109555290292109392>",
color=discord.Color.from_rgb(252, 186, 3))
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak", value=str(highest_streak), inline=False)
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak Breaker", value="<@" + highest_streak_breaker + ">", inline=False)
highStreak.add_field(name="Highest Streak Break Time", value=str(highest_streak_break_time), inline=False)
await ctx.respond(embed=highStreak)
You’re Done!
You’ll just need to run the bot now. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
python3 main.py
Keep in mind that this bot will only stay online as long as your terminal is open. If you want to keep it online 24/7, you’ll need to use a hosting service like Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud, or Amazon AWS. All these services are reliable and are free or cost very little, but I’d recommend doing your own research and finding the best server provider for you. Please do NOT use Heroku or Replit for hosting your bot, they have MANY issues which I covered in another post.
There’s still a lot you could improve with this bot, but this works fine for a basic prototype. For my server, I have added these features:
- Edit/Delete detection
- Ability to change the channel the bot counts in
- Setup/Remove commands for counting
- Certain emojis at certain numbers (100, 200, 300, etc.)
Thanks for reading my article!